Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Cryptocurrency Mining Explained - cryptocurrency mining explained - Get $10 worth of Bitcoin with Coinbase A common question get asked a lot from people… Who can explain me what is Bitcoin mining and how can I do it? Most people don't understand bitcoin but the value is difficult to ascertain. Consider that everyday 7200 bitcoins are printed and given to miners. As for what is bitcoin mining, you'll probably have to read this a couple times to understand because it sounds so crazy but this is the truth. So on January 3, 2009 a mysterious programmer/anarchist set forth this new model of decentralized currency. He hated the fact that governments like the US just print dollars and write IOU's or that the government could control and track money. So born was Bitcoin. Everyday there are 7200 bitcoins that are released in 50 bitcoin increments. Thats about one 50 coin release every 10 minutes. Who do they get released to? BITCOIN MINERS. What does a miner do? He basically has his computer running to try to solve a math equation, part of the bitcoin model call proof-of-work system. So all these computers try to solve this math equation simultaneously and the whole thing starts over except the next time the difficulty increases. Is it profitable? Probably not on your own. The best way if you REALLY wanted to do it is join a pool. If anyone in the pool gets a bitcoin you all split it. cryptocurrency mining explained

Watch video on Youtube: Cryptocurrency Mining Explained via Melvin's YouTube Channel

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