Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Leverage Bitcoin Mining Pool Making Profits Even If Bitcoin Price Drops To Half

http://2v2u.com/mintage Leverage Bitcoin Mining Pool Making Profits Even If Bitcoin Price Drops To Half Get $10 worth of Bitcoin from Coinbase when open a new account - http://2v2u.com/coinbase Here’s a common question about Bitcoin mining… Q: If Bitcoin mining so profitable, why everyone not mining Bitcoins? A: In April, Bitcoin blew up. It was about that time that you had several companies announce new mining hardware like ASICs that were designed for the specific purpose of mining. Since that time, it seems that there is a race to own the most hardware. Move forward to present day and we have several companies producing the hardware, and even several companies buying datacenter's worth. All this new mining hardware has introduced a HUGE amount of processing power. With the added computational power, the bitcoin block difficulty has gone up exponentially. As it becomes more difficult to find a block, the payouts on your same hardware come around less and less (It takes longer to find a block and receive the 25 BTC reward) causing you to have to constantly buy more hardware to maintain. Add into this the power costs of running miners, and MOST people find that they are spinning their wheels. Can you buy tens of thousands in new hardware and keep up? Adding new (latest) hardware will never stop if you want to maintain mining levels and you are getting a VERY late start. Most of the large centers already have a HW provider relationship and orders in the books. So, to avoid the hassle and headaches, the best way is to leverage the mining companies and get involved in mining pools. https://youtu.be/SEhV2PKumW4

Watch video on Youtube: Leverage Bitcoin Mining Pool Making Profits Even If Bitcoin Price Drops To Half via Melvin's YouTube Channel

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